The Dreaded Icebreaker: 55 introvert-approved icebreaker questions

Does anyone actually like icebreakers? While I’d prefer to skip them 100% of the time, they do infuse bigger meetings and new environments with energy and engagement that is hard to replicate in other ways. Using easy, fun, low pressure questions can get people talking, laughing and finding commonalities they can draw from later. For you, as the leader, these questions can also provide some valuable background on each person in your meeting or on your team that you can then use to engage with them more intentionally down the road.

So until someone invents a better way, the icebreaker is here to stay. Here are some tips for using them well, along with a list of ideas.

Tips for using questions well:

  • Use them! For the introverts in your group, getting them to talk early encourages them to talk more. The longer the introvert goes without talking, the more difficult it is for them to engage.

  • If the group is in its early stages, use simple, straight-forward questions. These are easy-to-answer and require little premeditation. Remember, those introverts do not like to be put on the spot. If you ask a question that requires too much reflection, they will be focusing on their upcoming response rather than on what the other members of the group are saying.

  • As the group matures, use deeper questions strategically. When you feel the group is ready, ask them questions that will allow them to reveal a little more about themselves. We're not talking deepest and darkest secrets here. It's the workplace. However, learning more about someone personally, about their hobbies, families, professional strengths and weaknesses can be good for team cohesion.

General Questions

  1. What is your favorite smell?

  2. What is your favorite chore?  Your least favorite chore?

  3. What does your purse (inside or out) tell us about you?

  4. What is one thing on your bucket list?  Why is it there?

  5. What is one thing you know how to cook really well?

  6. Share a household hint (like vinegar to clean coffee or tea stains in cups).

  7. What do you like to do in your free time?

  8. Where were you born?

  9. What is your favorite dessert?

  10. What is an unusual fear that you have?

  11. What was your first vehicle?

  12. What is one favorite activity from childhood that you wish you could do now?

  13. What has been your favorite road trip or vacation?

  14. What did you eat for breakfast?

  15. Are you an early bird or a night owl?  Have you always been this way?

  16. What’s your favorite way to get some exercise?

  17. If you could bring back any fashion trend, what would it be?

  18. What’s your favorite musical instrument?  Why?

  19. Do you have any pets?  What are their names?

  20. Have you ever lived overseas?  Do you speak any other languages?

  21. What instruments do you or have you played?

  22. You can have an unlimited supply of one thing for the rest of your life. What is it?

  23. Would you rather live where it only snows or where the temperature never falls below 100 degrees? 

  24. Would you rather always be slightly late or super early? 

  25. What is your favorite season and why?

  26. What is your favorite non-religious holiday?  What do you like about it?

  27. What makes you smile when you think about your hometown?

  28. What was the best/worst thing about your summer?

  29. What makes a best friend?

  30. What is your favorite season and why?

  31. When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?

  32. When you were a child, what was your favorite toy?

  33. What is your favorite drink?

  34. What is the best thing you’ve ever eaten?

  35. What is the best place you’ve ever visited?

  36. If you had an entire day of free time and an unlimited budget, what would you do that day?

  37. What was your first concert?

  38. Which app on your phone do you use the most?

Seasonal Questions

  1. What is your favorite thing to eat on Thanksgiving? Which dish do you let pass you by?

  2. Name one unexpected blessing you received this year.

  3. What are your Thanksgiving traditions?

  4. Brainstorm a list of 10 things you’re grateful for right now. What is the 10th one on your list?

  5. What is the best gift you’ve ever received?  What is the best gift you’ve ever given?

  6. Is there a holiday tradition that is special to you and your family?

  7. Is there a family tradition you wish would be discontinued or changed? What is it and why would you like it to stop or change?

  8. What has been an area of personal improvement from the last year? Where do you hope to grow in the upcoming year?

  9. What is a personal dream or goal for the new year?

  10. If you could relive one day from the past year, which would it be and why?

  11. Choose ONE word to describe your intention/focus/goal for the upcoming year?  Why did you choose that word?

Deeper Questions

  1. What has this pandemic season taught you about yourself?  The people you live with?

  2. What are two things you are really good at?  What is one thing you are really NOT good at?

  3. What 3 words would your best friend use to describe you?  Would you describe yourself the same way?

  4. If you were to mentor someone 10 years younger than you, what advice would you give that person?  If you were mentored by a someone 10 years older than you, what advice would you seek?

  5. What 3 things should I know about working with you?

  6. Do you have siblings? Where are you in the birth order? How, if at all, do you think this affected your personality?