Soft Skill Development

Soft skills don’t seem like a big deal…until they are. What drove your success in the early stages of your career may not be the same things that will drive your success in the next stage of your career. If you find you aren’t progressing as you think you should or you’re receiving feedback you don’t quite know what to do with, soft skills are a great first place to focus.

We offer 1:1 coaching for individuals looking to grow their soft skills. After clarifying the unique issues at play, we will work to resolve them in an equally unique way, tailored to the individual. In our experience, with a little self-awareness and a few simple frameworks and tools, individuals can make significant progress in just a handful of customized sessions.

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Becoming comfortable with small talk, handling difficult conversations, self-advocacy

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Emotional Intelligence

Cultivating self and others- awareness, empathy

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Articulating a clear and powerful vision that compels others to see the future you see and follow the path you identify

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Creating an aura of authority, maintaining “right-sized” confidence - neither over-confident nor under-confident, making others feel comfortable talking with you

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Interacting with others in a way that cultivates respect and inclusivity, creating a highly effective team that gels and excels under your leadership