Confidence Development

Communication is a huge part of all of our lives, yet some of us carry enormous amounts of anxiety and stress around it. If you struggle in this area, it can affect your school and/or work life, as well as your personal and professional relationships. However, with the proper tools and a low-stress environment in which to practice, your confidence can grow exponentially.

We offer 1:1 coaching for individuals looking to grow their communications confidence. After clarifying the unique issues at play, we will work to resolve them in an equally unique way, tailored to the individual. In our experience, once armed with a few simple, customized tools and frameworks, and the opportunity to practice in a low-stress, positive environment, communication confidence grows rapidly.

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Becoming comfortable with small talk, handling difficult conversations, self-advocacy

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Emotional Intelligence

Cultivating self and others- awareness, empathy

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Boundary Setting

Understanding appropriate conversational boundaries given who you’re talking to and what you’re talking about

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Personal Presence

Creating an aura of authority and confidence, making others feel comfortable talking with you

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Physical Control

Becoming aware of things you may be doing with your body that indicate discomfort or distract others from what you are trying to say